Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Racism by Stephany Mendoza

The racism is a social ill that affect many people around the word. The symptoms are fear, intolerance, separation, segregation, discrimination and hate. In fact, the humans are the same specie but the different s characteristics like color skin, eyes form, etc. this make us differentiate ourselves.

The racism has existed all the time but it showed the different way. Germany was the worst stage on the history because there the most of Jews were killed by Hitler’s orders. In this age the German thought that the Jews had dirty blood.  They were the worst for the word and the German were responsible for killing that pest.

Other situation that existed racism was when the conquerors arrived to America. The new world was discovered and several conquerors arrived here but this kind of people thought that they were the best. The Indians were as slaves. They did the hard job for the conquerors. Through the time, they began to relate to each other and the result was the miscegenation. Since that happened, the conquerors established hierarchies and each hierarchies were designed to specific job.

At Ecuador the racism against women were broken thank to a brave woman. In the past women only engaged in housework. They couldn’t study and gave the vote. Matilde Hidalgo of Procel was the woman who changed the future for other women. She studied medicine in Central University; there she was the first woman who was admitted. She could give the vote and this action was historical. From there women can give the vote in this country.

The following story travels by e-mail. In a plane the passengers were boarding. A man found his seat but the next was a black men. This man did not to sit down there because of he was racist. He called the stewardess and this man told her, he wanted to sit on other seat. The stewards talked with the pilot and he said the black man was changed the seat. The miss went where the black man was and she told his “Sir, if you wanted you could change to executive section “. The man accepted and the other man stayed there. He was angry for this decision.

In conclusion, the racism attacks the people yet. Although the time has passed and the thinking has changed, the racism exists. In this century is necessary that this ill disappeared for that our world will be better. We have to consider that all are humans. The people have to know that this thinking is wrong because in this time to all people have the same possibilities to do the same things. The decision is yours ”Say no to racism”


  1. i think that it racism is not an ill because We try not to have the disease however racism is an attitude we have and that must be changed

  2. in my personal opinion i think racism is so bad,in this society because is a kind of discrimination.i like your homework....CArlita

  3. the racism is a bad actitude you can hurt other people and unrespect the feelings

  4. i think that it racism is not an ill because We try not to have the disease however racism is an attitude we have and that must be changed

  5. Yes , the racism have been continuing. ans its a bad situation because our future generation will grow thinking in the racism. However its a big social problem that still exist in our world

    Greeys.. !!!!

  6. Yes girls, we are in the 21th century and there are lots of people that still be racist, this problem have to stop and the only way to stop it is by the education in home and also in the schools.


  7. i hate the the fact that people is still racist, and its a problem that have to stop and start living in a world were we are all the same!! DAvid

  8. I remember all those people who died in German, that is very sad many children, many womans and innocent people. I hate Adolf Hitler...

  9. I agree with you because whent the spanish arrived all things change in our world
    stefanny pillajo
