Sunday, January 20, 2013

Greeys Vargas

The  life is in your hands

The life it’s amazing if we try to enjoy it, even if it is good or bad. When we were children, we lived carefree, we only knew that we had to play in the forest or jump in the rain. Suddenly, our adolescence had arrive; the things had started to change. Our parents started to be strict.
When we are young, we have realized about take risks or not, and it’s the important part of our life, in some case, this risks cause us many problems, but we decide if we want to continue with it, there are moments that we thought that everything its bad but always there will be something special for us, and this special think or person will help us for continue living, and we realize that the life it’s too short to pass it up. In this moment we learn that we have to make all the things that we want, take all the risks that we imagine. Probably we will have problems but this problem will have several decisions that we have to take. In some case, these decisions will be very important because it will affect our live forever. When the years pass and we started to grow more, we forgot to take risks; also we forgot the dreams that we had when we were young as  be free and happy, But we become superficial and we worry about insignificant things. In this moment we didn’t realize about the people really important that we have in our lives. Sometimes we need events too bad and strong to react .And it is when we tried to recuperate our lost time, but sometimes it’s too late.

The most beautiful aspect of the life is that it isn’t perfect, although we have problems, these problems make us stronger, and it is when we realized about the people that really appreciate us. There will be people with us and there will be people that prefer to disappear of our lives. However each problem that we are going to have in our live will be a reason for realizing that the life is  the most wonderful event that we have. Also, we know that we have to enjoy each moment of the life with the people that really love us. Finally, the life is in our hands, if we really want to change it, we find a way or solutions, if we don’t want to change it, we only find an excuse.



  1. We always have a reason to be better persons to dream and make our dreams true, I think we have to keep been the little dreamers that we are when we are children but taken risks with maturity because we could grow up but if we left out of our lives our dreams we are becoming in boring and not successful people because just the ones who fight for their dreams the are successful in this world.
    We have people in this world that help us in all the situations of our lives. :)


  2. I really like the first picture, is a naturally beautiful landscape, the moon, the lake, the mountain and the clouds as they take the form of balloon, it's awesome, and Richard Clayderman's song helps you enjoy the picture.

    It is true that we enjoy every day or moment of our lives to the fullest, to not have to regret not doing something because of fear or be unsafe :D

    I liked this blog...!!!


  3. This blog is greaat!!!!!! dreams came true!!!!:D!! DAvid
