Saturday, January 19, 2013



Cristina, a girl was12 years old, she began to experience the changes of adolescence, she was a good family, she lived with her parents and the first of two sibilings and she grow in a loving home. She studied in one of high school of the city, here she shared time with her friends, but Cristina was so afraid to know new people, When she went to walk, she had careful with approached her. Her father protected her, he kept in a crystal ball, where she thought that the all world was magyc.

But her family didn't realized damage in her personality, they took care of her in every moment. She didn't know the things of the real world. Cristina began to realized that the world showed her parents not what happened in the reality and when she knew the reality, Cristina felt paintful and hurt a lot of, she suffered with the different things happened her in this moments.

But one day she realized that not had suffered and this happened was a new experience and she going to go ahead.

The yeras went by and little and little she realized of the real things and experiencing changes physical and emotional, when she was 15 years, her parents gave a fun party, in this party went every families ad friends he, she was exciting, then she was 17 years, Cristina started to have reationship with male friends, something that she had never known before, for it was a new experience at this age appeared his first illution.She liked a boy who never corresponded. 

In this moment she realized that her life was being to change from girl to woman, this experience was the best thing that happened to her, because she knew more things to learn. When she in the last course of high school, Cristina had a great change and she could see from other point of view. She could face the new life in the university.

The illusion of first love is the most beautiful and the sound of the song in a music box which plays the melody of a magical  world which then destroys to know the reality.


  1. The story of the first love is sometimes good or sometimes bad but always let us a lesson, sometimes our parents want us like you said in a Cristal ball, but with the time we realized of what is really happened in the world and we have to face lots of problems and different situations to grow up in mind and body. :)


  2. that you say is true because sometimes parents are so protectors and you need to know about the world, but when you grow up you learn that the protection of your parents was because they love you.

  3. oh your story its very interesnting, I think that all the memories will stay in our heart forever, and also our first love, we never forget this !!

