Monday, January 28, 2013

The racism by Sebastian Pabon



The racism is one of the most important topics against the human beens . For centuries ago racism have been existed around the world . Racism is the differenceses between different kind of human races like white , black , chinese,indian,asian, latin people or others . The biggest conflict have been between black and white people for a long time specially in United States . As a concequence of social clases in which white people show their economical and social power over black people who are the workers of theirs farmers and houses. On the 17s 18s the white people were the owner of big pieces of land that includes the worker it means black people, who were trated like furnitures or animals without rights.

Some black people died without medical service and they couldn't share the same places as white people. For this reason black peole always tries to fight for their rights and were traited as the same way of white people. Nobody listened to them, in fact exist one group of extreme racism peolple who kill black people. In the 19s one black man named Martin Luther King started to fight for black peolple rights. He obtained some beneficts for this group of people one of these is to look them as human beens and not belong to a master, they are free people. He fought until be equal as white men. This rights have been presented during the last centuries around the world with the objective to be remembered and don´t forget respect human beens, but nowdays not only we can see differences between black and white people. In Europe is very easy find fights between european and latin people and more probleas appeared in this area. People around the world has lack of tolerance, they don't accept other groups of people because white people think that the other groups are inferior of them. Racism is an unhelthy way to guide a society thats why Marthin luther kin is a great and brave man, because decide faced a big and strong society agains the black peole and others weak  groups.

In our country we dont find a big racism problems, but is very common to se differences between indigenas groups, who some of them  are poor people, even wiyh black peole . Is very importan respect each etnic group not only in our country .


We all have the same heart David Barreno

Black people had been discriminated beyond all the history, since they were forced to came from Africa till nowadays.
When black people started to created groups of resistance like the quilombos, there was lots of murders and deaths.
There are lots of characters in the history that had big ideas against racism, that fought sometimes using the violence, but sometimes using just their intellingence; Martin Luther King is one of the most important characters around the story of racism He is best known for his role in the advancement of civil rights using nonviolent civil disobedience.Martin Luther King has become a national icon in the history of American progressivis. He helped a lot of people with his no violence ideas and how to begin the building of new rights for the black people. Also I think that black people around the history are more advanced than other people because they grow with special skills like more resistance science has improve this that balck people is an advanced human being, they have qualities that are better than te other people. Like the most popular and remembered icons that are in the history like the best basketball player Michael Jordan or the best pop singer and dancer Michael Jackson. Returning to the equal way to be with all the persons we are the same no heart is bigger or shorter we all are people and it is on us how we want to make a better world to live.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Racism in the world - Santiago Guerra

The racism is an ideology based in the superiority of races and ethnic groups. The people who follow this ideology believe to be better than others due to the color of their skin, their manners or their religion. This feeling of hate is stronger when two or more different races and ethnic groups live together in the same place. The main objective of this ideology is the control and the domination that people of the same race exerts above other groups of people.

In the world the racial segregation have existed for many years and I think that in America it was stronger in the colonization times. The eropean people dominated to the ethnic groups that inhabited in the continent and the black people tahat they brought as slaves. The legacy of this segregation continues in these days despite the fight of many people against the racism and the discrimination.

The principal characters who have been recognized for their fights are Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela. The first one was an afroamerican priest who leaded a movement of civil rights for the afroamericans in the United States. Also, he participated in many protests against the Vietnam war, the famine and the poverty. For his job of trying to end with the racial segregation through no violent ways he was condecorated with a Nobel Prize. He is remembered as one of the best leaders and heroes of the United States History and his birthday is a festive day in that country. Nelson Mandela fought against the apartheid in South Africa and was arrested. He stayed in jail for twenty seven years. When he went out he became in president of South Africa after winning the first democratic elections. Also, he won a Nobel Prize and many other awards.

In our country I think the racism still exists especially to the balck people and indigenas. I believe that our country is magnific not only for its natural beauty but also for its cultural rich. Many ethnic groups live in our country and no one is higher than others. We should find against racial prejudice and this fight should begin in our minds, understanding that we are all equal. We should treat the people for their thinking and actions and not for their skin color or their socila class. Also, I think that the races don't exist, the human race is unique and there are many other problems that we should focus on as the poverty, the famine and the homeless people.

Paola Pavón :D!


" Let us all hope that the dark clouds of racial prejudice will soon pass away, amd that in some not too distant tomorrow the radiant satrs of love and brotherhood will shine over our great nation with all their scintillating beauty"                     
                                                                                                                               MARTIN LUTHER

Racism or hatred of foreigners?
All of those concepts look similar but their meanings are different. 
Racism: ideology based on the superiority of one race or ethnicity over others.
Hatred of foreigners: feeling of rejection, disgust or hostility to foreigners.
Attitudes, values ​​and systems established racist, overtly or covertly, a hierarchy between ethnic or racial groups, used to justify the privileges or advantages enjoyed by the dominant group.

A lot of people think that tey are superior to others!! but why black color people, why not white color people?!
In the nineteenth century developed in Europe a racist interpretation of the text of the Christian Bible.
According to this interpretation, the Bible indicate that three human races from the three sons of Noah: Shem, Ham and Japheth. SEM descend Jews and Arabs, of Ham, blacks, and Japheth, the whites. This biblical vision of humanity divided into races complemented the curse called Canaan, son of Ham, who condemned Noah: "Cursed be Canaan, a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren." The racist interpretation of the Bible, said the curse of Canaan was a curse from God to "black", by which it was ordered to serve whites. 
This could be a reason??!! 
I think that was only a misunderstanding of the Christian Bible, which underwent many people of color black for no reason.
Maybe in the past but now we all have the ability to read and interpret whatever we want. But  we can not  change the thinking of contempt for diferent  people, maybe because they are not of our social class or just they have a diferent skin color!!.....
People have to realized that peolple's image is not everything. Prejudice is bad.
We have to meet the person we have to speak with they we have to know what they feel, what they like, all people is defferent but we are the world.
This guy is drinking water from a place that is only for people of color. I think that it is inaceptable.
Why he can not drink with theo others?! just because he is black?.
Everyone have different type to think but i think that we use this ability to change the world, to resolve problems find solutions!
We use this ability to discriminate peolple!! just because we have different way of being and see us.

 We have to understand that we are equal. We  can have the same jobs, or rights.
We have to stop racism starting with our thinking and the way we behave.
I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal." I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slaveowners will be able to sit down together at a table of brotherhood. I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a desert state, sweltering with the heat of injustice and oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice. I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today.
-- Martin Luther King, Jr 



The Racism by Stephany Mendoza

The racism is a social ill that affect many people around the word. The symptoms are fear, intolerance, separation, segregation, discrimination and hate. In fact, the humans are the same specie but the different s characteristics like color skin, eyes form, etc. this make us differentiate ourselves.

The racism has existed all the time but it showed the different way. Germany was the worst stage on the history because there the most of Jews were killed by Hitler’s orders. In this age the German thought that the Jews had dirty blood.  They were the worst for the word and the German were responsible for killing that pest.

Other situation that existed racism was when the conquerors arrived to America. The new world was discovered and several conquerors arrived here but this kind of people thought that they were the best. The Indians were as slaves. They did the hard job for the conquerors. Through the time, they began to relate to each other and the result was the miscegenation. Since that happened, the conquerors established hierarchies and each hierarchies were designed to specific job.

At Ecuador the racism against women were broken thank to a brave woman. In the past women only engaged in housework. They couldn’t study and gave the vote. Matilde Hidalgo of Procel was the woman who changed the future for other women. She studied medicine in Central University; there she was the first woman who was admitted. She could give the vote and this action was historical. From there women can give the vote in this country.

The following story travels by e-mail. In a plane the passengers were boarding. A man found his seat but the next was a black men. This man did not to sit down there because of he was racist. He called the stewardess and this man told her, he wanted to sit on other seat. The stewards talked with the pilot and he said the black man was changed the seat. The miss went where the black man was and she told his “Sir, if you wanted you could change to executive section “. The man accepted and the other man stayed there. He was angry for this decision.

In conclusion, the racism attacks the people yet. Although the time has passed and the thinking has changed, the racism exists. In this century is necessary that this ill disappeared for that our world will be better. We have to consider that all are humans. The people have to know that this thinking is wrong because in this time to all people have the same possibilities to do the same things. The decision is yours ”Say no to racism”

Racism in Ecuador and the World (PRAP)

"Racism is man's response to the unknown, hated or envied."

Racism is the view that postulates the supposed superiority of one race over another, which have led to quite often repressive actions of outright persecution or ethnic group considered inferior. The Attitudes, values and racist systems established a hierarchy between ethnic or racial groups, used to justify the privileges or advantages enjoyed by the dominant group.

In Ecuador racial discrimination and racism operate jointly. Racial discrimination is any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on lineage or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise on an equal footing, of human rights and freedoms fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life.

Racism is a system of power that gives privileges to the population that is considered "best" whites who marginalize the spaces of power to African descendants and indigenous. Racism is the legacy of colonial rule preventing coexistence on equal terms.

In the world there are several organizations that are against racism and in its first article the Convention defines "racial discrimination" by adopting a comprehensive approach to reaching various forms of discrimination, distinction, restriction or preference, either by reason of "race, color, descent or national or ethnic origin".

My conclusion is that today, there is still racial discrimination, ethnic conflicts and violence in many parts of the world. Millions of people continue to face discrimination by  of the color of their skin or their ethnic background. Indigenous peoples are discriminated against one of the sectors. Ethnic minorities, migrants, among others, are groups that are not respecting fundamental human rights.

"Our true nationality is mankind."
Herbert George Wells

The Racism by Cristian Rosero

 The Racism

Racism is the belief that a particular race is superior or inferior to another, that a person’s social and moral traits are predetermined by his or her inborn biological characteristics. Racial separatism is the belief, most of the time based on racism, that different races should remain segregated and apart from one another.

Racial Separatism     
Racism has existed throughout human history. It may be defined as the hatred of one person by another or the belief that another person is less than human -- because of skin color, language, customs, place of birth or any factor that supposedly reveals the basic nature of that person. It has influenced wars, slavery, the formation of nations, and legal codes.
During the past 500-1000 years, racism on the part of Western powers toward non-Westerners has had a far more significant impact on history than any other form of racism (such as racism among Western groups or among Easterners, such as Asians, Africans, and others). The most notorious example of racism by the West has been slavery, particularly the enslavement of Africans in the New World (slavery itself dates back thousands of years). This enslavement was accomplished because of the racist belief that Black Africans were less fully human than white Europeans and their descendants.
This belief was not "automatic": that is, Africans were not originally considered inferior. When Portuguese sailors first explored Africa in the 15th and 16th centuries, they came upon empires and cities as advanced as their own, and they considered Africans to be serious rivals. Over time, though, as African civilizations failed to match the technological advances of Europe, and the major European powers began to plunder the continent and forcibly remove its inhabitants to work as slave laborers in new colonies across the Atlantic, Africans came to be seen as a deficient "species," as "savages." To an important extent, this view was necessary to justify the slave trade at a time when Western culture had begun to promote individual rights and human equality. The willingness of some Africans to sell other Africans to European slave traders also led to claims of savagery, based on the false belief that the "dark people" were all kinsmen, all part of one society - as opposed to many different, sometimes warring nations.

One important feature of racism, especially toward Blacks and immigrant groups, is clear in attitudes regarding slaves and slavery. Jews are usually seen by anti-Semites as subhuman but also superhuman: devilishly cunning, skilled, and powerful. Blacks and others are seen by racists as merely subhuman, more like beasts than men. If the focus of anti-Semitism is evil, the focus of racism is inferiority -- directed toward those who have sometimes been considered to lack even the ability to be evil (though in the 20th century, especially, victims of racism are often considered morally degraded).

In the second half of the 19th century, Darwinism, the decline of Christian belief, and growing immigration were all perceived by many white Westerners as a threat to their cultural control. European and, to a lesser degree, American scientists and philosophers devised a false racial "science" to "prove" the supremacy of non-Jewish whites. While the Nazi annihilation of Jews discredited most of these supposedly scientific efforts to elevate one race over another, small numbers of scientists and social scientists have continued throughout the 20th century to argue the inborn shortcomings of certain races, especially Blacks. At the same time, some public figures in the American Black community have championed the supremacy of their own race and the inferiority of whites - using nearly the identical language of white racists.
All of these arguments are based on a false understanding of race; in fact, contemporary scientists are not agreed on whether race is a valid way to classify people. What may seem to be significant "racial" differences to some people - skin color, hair, facial shape - are not of much scientific significance. In fact, genetic differences within a so-called race may be greater than those between races. One philosopher writes: "There are few genetic characteristics to be found in the population of England that are not found in similar proportions in Zaire or in China….those differences that most deeply affect us in our dealings with each other are not to any significant degree biologically determined."

in conclusion racism is a problem despite years has not been able to overcome, in our country it can be seen even in the televison there are many people who do not understand the problem and use it as a joke.

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