Friday, February 1, 2013

Carla Salazar injuries


Fortunately in my life I never had an accident,so I want to tell us about an accident that happened in family. Time ago my parents suffered a traffic accident when they traveled to other country. Sometimes you are quiet in your car with your family and something unexpected could happend.This was that ocurred, in my family. Was a travel to visit my grandmother, at that time I was not born yet and were only my mother, my father and my older sister. So they take the road to go but they could not imagine what would happend.
My sister Paola was only one year old and also my parents were young.They were very happy to travel but suddenly a car appeared from the other side.My father trated to do the things very fast but the other car approached quickly.So my parent´s car was crashed and they were very bad with his heath.My mother thougth all the  time in save my sister, because she was very little.She trate to cover my sister and for this action she break her noise in three parts.Of course she had a lot of small injuries around all her body.

 My father also had a lot of complications because was a big crash.He broke his arm and like my mother he had injuries in a lot of parts.But he had to be strong to help my mother and my sister and they were along on the road. My father was desperate and he did not knew wath to do in that moment. He decided drive to return and find a hospital or maybe a clinic to help them.Only my sister had no health complication because my mother resisted most in the crash.So when they arrived in the hospital the things were better. The doctors finally help them and my dad not remember well what happend for the shock that he felt.My mother was operated at the hospital and dad very sore.

This sad accident makes me think about be responsable when you drive.Because sometimes can be neither your fault but the accidents could happend at any time. So be careful when you are in the road and think about your future and the future of other people who doesn´t have the blame of your trouble. I think if something more serious could ocurred the things will be very differents now a day.So enjoy every day of your life and  pay attention all the time.


  1. That's really sad, but you have to thank to have them alive. - Alegria Rosales

  2. Your history make me think about the love of our parents they could give their lifes for us.
    Like alegria said you have to thank to have them by your side. :)

  3. your family have luck... Thank to God they are good...the accdents in the roads are more dangerous, the drivers more times don't realize of damage thay they can cause.. We must have care with this.. careful our life...

    Katty =)
