Monday, January 28, 2013

We all have the same heart David Barreno

Black people had been discriminated beyond all the history, since they were forced to came from Africa till nowadays.
When black people started to created groups of resistance like the quilombos, there was lots of murders and deaths.
There are lots of characters in the history that had big ideas against racism, that fought sometimes using the violence, but sometimes using just their intellingence; Martin Luther King is one of the most important characters around the story of racism He is best known for his role in the advancement of civil rights using nonviolent civil disobedience.Martin Luther King has become a national icon in the history of American progressivis. He helped a lot of people with his no violence ideas and how to begin the building of new rights for the black people. Also I think that black people around the history are more advanced than other people because they grow with special skills like more resistance science has improve this that balck people is an advanced human being, they have qualities that are better than te other people. Like the most popular and remembered icons that are in the history like the best basketball player Michael Jordan or the best pop singer and dancer Michael Jackson. Returning to the equal way to be with all the persons we are the same no heart is bigger or shorter we all are people and it is on us how we want to make a better world to live.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You have reason black people nowadays became successful, racist people have problems with their personality and their self-steem.


  3. I agree with you all the people have the same feelings, it doesnt matter if we have different types of skin. . the only think that its import is our soul and the way that we think.

  4. I like the picture because it is a good example for everybody, and the idea is that each person is important and we have the same rights.

  5. I like the photos of brains so much. It showed the true because the racists have a nescience about one world equal.
    Stephany Mendoza
