Sunday, March 3, 2013


Once upon a time there was a little rebel teenager.She was a rocker and  she had a band. One day, while she was rehearsing with her band,(singing sweet child of mine) a twister appeared and took her to an unknown lagoon.
In that lagoon she saw a white rabbit that was smoking, and drinking a martini.
Suddenly the rabbit said: Hey you! Come on!

Alice: What happened?!

  Rabbit: Do you want some Martini?
Alice: Oh yeah! Thank you, it looks good!
Rabbit: It’s true, it’s delicious!
Alice: Have you ever smoked?
Rabbit: Of course! I have cigarettes do you want one?
Alice: Oh thanks… please can you light me up?
Rabbit: yes, but, now, tell me, who are you?
Alice: I’m Alice, but I don’t know why I am here!
Rabbit: You are lost, you should return home
Alice: But this world is magical
Rabbit: yes, but I’m late bye!!! Leaving! Leaving!
When the rabbit started to jump away, Alice decided to follow him and she fell into a deep cavern.
When she got to a magic forest with lots of flowers and animals, she met two weird boys. They told her they were twins, but Alice wasn’t sure about it, because they were totally different one from the other.
When they saw Alice they thought she was very nice so they decided to talk with her.
Twins: Hello/ Hey girl
Alice: hello what’s up?
Twins: What’s your name? /do you wanna play?
Alice: My name is Alice, and of course
(while they were playing)
Twins: How did you get here? /you must go back home!
Alice: An alcoholic rabbit took me here, and i don’t know how to get back home!
Twins: You should go with the Hatter/yes he might be able to help you.
Alice: how can I get to him?
Twins: Go down to the river/and don’t talk with anyone
Alice: thank you boys, hope to see you again, someday
Twins: Bye Alice/ See you little lady
She was walking throw the forest and found an smiling cat

Alice: hello cat, would you please tell me which way I ought to go from here? 

Cheshire Cat
: That depends a good deal on where you want to get to. 

Alice: I don't much care where- 

Cheshire Cat
: Then it doesn't matter which way you go. 

: -so long as I get somewhere. 

Cheshire Cat: Oh, you're sure to do that, if you only walk long enough. 

Alice: What sort of people live about here? 

Cheshire Cat: [gesturing] In THAT direction lives a Hatter: and in THAT direction lives a March Hare. Visit either you like: they're both mad. 

Alice: But I don't want to go among mad people. 

Cheshire Cat: Oh, you can't help that, we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad. 

Alice: How do you know I'm mad? 

Cheshire Cat: You must be, or you wouldn't have come here. 

When Alice arrived to the Hatter’s house she noticed that the crazy man lived in a mushroom with a little mouse.
Hatter: Who are you?
Alice: Hello I’m Alice
HatterI don’t care!!! Welcome to my happy no birthday party
Alice: What’s that? Ha-ha could you help me?
Hatter: Oh I ‘m sorry I’m?¡?¡ hmmm I’m  the Hatter and of course my lady take this map and get with this nice Queen she is going to tell you what to do, but please don’t believe in everyone there are lots of crazy people here.
Alice: Ok thank you. Can you give me a cup of tea?
Hatter: No way it’s just for me so now get out of my sight and go away, you little strange girl!!
Alice: Ok everybody is crazy here!!

Mouse: Hi Alice How do you feel?
Alice: I’m sad, I miss my family
Mouse: Don’t feel bad… here you can find amazing things and incredible people, too.
Alice: But people here are crazy. I have never seen a mouse talking.
Mouse: When I visited your world the people were different, they only think of working and getting money. However, I enjoyed the experience, and I got to know a handsome mouse call peter.
Alice: But here there’s not even a handsome guy, and there’s no normal people
Mouse: Aaaaash I can’t believe it you are so selfish you don’t want to see the beautiful things of this world….. get out of here!!
Hatter: Don’t listen to her she has cramps ha-ha go, go with the white bitch ooo sorry I meant the white queen!! hahahahhaha

Then, following the hatter’s directions, she continued her way to the White’s Queen castle.
When she arrived to the castle the white Queen said: Hello Welcome to my castle
Alice: Hello, I need your help
Queen: What do you need?
Alice: I need to return my home but everybody said to me that if I want to get out of here I had to talk with the Red Queen, but they told me that she’s so mean and she would challenge me for a music duel.
Queen: That’s right Alice unfortunately she’s my sister, when I was a teenager I always loved music and I used to play my guitar, but my sister hated the music and forced me to be quiet and I had to quit the guitar, with the time I forgot rhe music and I went on with my life…. I don’t  want that happen to you Alice so I’ll give you my electric guitar for you to fulfill your dreams and make the music that I never could.
Alice: Thank you so much I would like you to know my band
Queen: You and your whole band will be very welcome in my castle. And you would be able to practice and play all that you like.
 Alice: But look my dress it’s awful and dirty.
Queen: Don’t care about it darling, come on I would show you my big closet and you could choose the dress you like the most
Alice: Thank you you are so kindness and cute
Queen: Ok see you later bye bye.
Alice felt better with the magical guitar and she started the trip to the Red Queen’s castle, when she arrived lots of card guards make a circle around her and took her with the queen.
Red Queen: What are you doing here?
Alice: I want to get out of here, but I want to be freely of came whenever I want.
Queen: Are you sure? You have to win me on a musical duel!!!
Alice: Of course my band and I will challenge you to a duel.
Queen: Ja!! I’ll win I never lose and I get everything that I want
Alice: You see we win, and now what do you say?
Queen: Go out of my wonderland right now, I’m the Queen!!!
Alice: I’m going to leave but I’m going to get back because I won and I have the right to came back.

When Alice get out of wonderland she woke up very confused, and she notice that she were drunk and drugged.
Alice: Now I can feel that my life have sense, I am alive, I can bring, I can do whatever that I want, my future are in my hands.
The life is only one and I need to appreciate the wonderful things that I have. I need change my life to feel 

Listen to this music video:

better with myself, I was lost but now I know what to do with my life.

Monday, February 25, 2013

La vida de Brian (1979) Poster

LIFE OF BRIAN   (1979)
Director: Terry Jones

Brian was while  Jesus, but his life was completely funnier than Christ.  Brian has a grudge against Romans, but he should have ignored that fact, because his life would have been much nicer.

Brian is the son of a Roman soldier, he should have claimed his rights as a Roman to avoid many problems.

Brian learns about life through the comic situations he must face. But he should have realzed that life is not worth embittered by such situations.

Brian joins a revolutionary group against the Romans. He should not come as a disorganized group that has no clear objectives.

Assumptions friends Brian should have acted more and talked less, that's a big problem in our society.

Everyone should have seen this movie because it is very funny movie, with an interesting social critique.

Jairo Nicolalde

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Inception by Cristian Rosero


Inception is a science fiction movie, which is about Dom Cobb a man who is dedicated to steal information through dreams. Cobb works with a team and call themselves the extractors; Extractors and their victims sleep in a contiguous proximity of each other, connected by a device known as the "dream machine" which administers sedatives and allows them to share a dream world built by the dreamer and that is then filled by mental projections (subconscious) the subject to which the information is extracted. In the world of dreams, pain is psychologically experienced as real, but the result of death is the awakening. Each team member carries a totem, an object and know perfectly that allows them to distinguish if they are in someone else's dream or reality.

Should and Shouldn't

Cobb should have thought better in the first extraction because Saito realized.
In this part the successful mission is a failure because Cobb manages to extract the desired information but the subject is aware of his deception, even that there are two levels of sleep set to steal the information.

Cobb should have talked with Ariadne about the dangers of getting involved in the construction of dreams.
because not explain, she began to build and move things at will then Cobb's subconscious the murderer.

Cobb should have explained to his team that if they die in the dream of Fisher also died in real life because they were heavily sedated.
When they came in four levels of dreams Cobb and his team ran a great danger, because if they died they would not wake up but they went to Olympus.

Cobb shouldn't have deceived Fisher, because it would destroy a life to improve the life of a millionaire.
Upon entering the four levels of sleep Fisher the only purpose was to create an idea to dissolve his business empire.

Cobb should not have put a false idea in the Unconscious of his wife, because that led her to commit suicide.
Because if Cobb had not done that his wife had died and he had not had to escape to Europe.

He shouldn't have gone to greet his children before seeing if his totem fell or not.
Not seeing if his totem fell or not he can not know if he is in the real world or became trapped in a dream.


                                                                                 TOM SAWYER
Tom Sawyer lives with his father, who is a drunk and bad man who wants Tom’s money. For this reason he took Tom to an island and kept him in a hut. Before this Tom gave all his money to the Judge Thatcher because he had found treasure with his friend Huckleberry Finn.

When Tom was in the hut his father hit him every day asking for his money, but Tom stayed quiet. One day his father went to the city and Tom decided run away, so he caught a pig, killed it, took its hair and put the blood in the hut along with pieces of pig’s hair, so when his father come back he thought Tom was killed.

Tom was walking through the island and he met a black man: a slave who was his best friend, but in those days they were not allowed to have black friends. They have to live hiding people in the city, so one day Tom dressed up as a girl and went into a store asking for eggs and food but he shoplifting because they didn’t have money. The owner of the slave was also looking for him and posted papers around the city giving a reward for the citizen who found him.

They decided to go to another city so they took a boat. In this boat were three more men who said they were princes, but they were thieves: one of them used to vandalise public property, and the others shoplifted. They recognized the slave and wanted the money so immediately went to the city and told them were he was.

Tom and his friend realize this and hid in the other city where they started to work. Nobody recognized them, and the family where they worked adopted Tom because he was a good boy and recognized their effort. But Tom’s friends were looking for him everywhere - even his friends who remember all the good times with him. For example the day when they decided to make a gang and steal money but not from women and old people, or when they ran to an island and spent almost a week smoking and playing cards.

If this gang were around nowadays, we could easily find out how they dodged fares, vandalised public property, and sprayed graffiti, because they were rebel boys, and obviously if they had cars they would be speeding all the time.

My sister’s Keeper by Stephany Mendoza


It’s a drama movie. The story began the following way. There is a happy family when the first girl of the family was born. Her name is Ann. When she has 5 years old, she was diagnosed with Leukemia. Her parents made all for she got well soon. The time passed fast but she continued to be ill. They neglected her other son for health care Ann. They decided to have another daughter for she donate her organs to her sister sick. In the course of time Ann met a boy who had the same ill than her. She fell in love with him, but this guy dead soon. She was sad because she loved him a lot, but her life continued. Ann did not support to continue with painful treatments and she asked her daughter that convinced to her parents to end with that. Then, the youngest daughter asked a lawyer for put a demand to her parents. Ann’s mother was very angry because her daughters did that. Ann got sicker every day more. When one day Ann dead. All the family was sad specially Sara who was the mom of Ann because she felt that had failed. Sara had abdicated to her job, she had forgotten her aspect, and she had forgotten she had a husband and other children that they needed her. After of this she returned her older life. 

I chose to her mom, Sara. She should have taken care to her other child, too. Although the things happened were bad, she did not have to neglect her children because they were part of the family, too. Also, they needed of her love or protection.
She should have continued with her job, because the father of the family was the unique member who kept the house and the hospital charges.
She should have left that Ann decided if she wanted to continue with that kind of treatments because, Ann was a mature person.
She should have accepted her destination and it was that her daughter was ill.
She should not have used to other daughter to help Ann, because the youngest daughter was a person, too. Also, she had feelings. Sara had to ask her if she wanted to donate her organs.
She should not have forgotten her marriage. She fought much with her husband due to many little things. I think that is she would have continued of that way, the marriage was broken.
She should not have been angry with her daughters because they were within their rights to object. She should have respected their decision.

Alexita Rosalia Suárez Terán

Loving you hurts (Amarte Duele.)

This is a love story that involves social prejudges, it's based on Romeo and Juliet play, because during the play we could see how the love destroy these social prejudges.

Ulises, a poor but worker guy,  falls in love with Renata a rich and spoiled girl, they both started to see each other on a hidden way, this dramatic film ends with a death.

At the beginning of the movie Ulises fight with Francisco (a guy that pretend makes Mariana loves him), at the mall and they started to hate each other, Ulises shouldn’t have yell Francisco, because Francisco has the protection of two guards that could hurt Ulises.
Ulises started to visits Mariana at the high school, but Francisco always do the same and every day Ulises and Francisco fight because of Mariana’s love. Ulises should have met Mariana in other place, where Francisco couldn’t see them.

Mariana invited Ulises to her birthday party, and everybody there was rich and spoiled people, and discriminated Ulises because of his social class, and before Ulises and Francisco started a fight, Mariana’s father stop the fight and take Ulises out of the party. Ulises shouldn’t have accepted go to Mariana’s party because he knew that people there could make him feel bad.
Mariana’s father prohibited her to date Ulises, because they think Mariana’s just could go out with people of their “same social class”, Ulises shouldn’t have date someone that is from a different social class because in that way he could avoid a lot of problems in his life.

Ulises went to Mariana’s house in order to talk with Mariana’s parents and tell them that he really loves her and explain them that he wasn’t a bad guy and that he just wants to make her happy, but them called the police, and the police imprisoned Ulises. He should have think more in the situation, and he should wait Mariana explains the situation to her parents.

Ulises run away and got into Mariana’s house throw a window and propouse her go to the beach and live together without all the social prejudges, but Mariana’s sister listens the entire plan and called Francisco, and they decided to destroy Mariana and Ulises plan, and when Ulises and Mariana were in the bus station, Francisco got there and hur mariana with a gun and kill her.
Ulises shouldn’t have plan go away with Mariana, and they should have tried to make their relation works in a good way.

Renata dies in the arms of Ulises, but not before telling him she loves him. Ulises goes into shock and refuses to accept her death, and the loss of the love of his life. The last scene shows Ulises mourning by the grave of Renata.

Now listen to the soundtrack of this amazing movie, this song represents that the true love could overcome everything and that no always the love have a happy final.
Enjoy it: "Amarte Duele" by Natalia Lafourcade

Paola Pavón :D


The Odd Life of Timothy Green is a fantasy or modern-day fairy tale, but unlike most fairy tales this one is told from the perspective of the grown-ups rather than the child. It’s a story about learning how to parent, how to accept the mistakes that are inevitably made, and how to love without possessing.
I choose 2 characters because they are like one. Fathers, what they should or should not have done.
It all begins when Cindy and Jim Green trying to have children. They can not have children. They imagine everyday a family, children in the house.One day they begin to imagine a child with many special features maybe a perfect boy. They grew all their ideas, literally!
I think that they should have spoken whit the boy before the family present, because the boy was really impressed, he did not know anyone despite being his own family, and a lot of them can not accept him.
They should not have allowed the family to criticize or speak ill of him, they had to defend it, and not let anyone make fun of the child.
They should have understood the boy, because  lot of things that they child did they coul not understand, maybe speak more with the child, and spend more time with him.
They should not have tried to separate the child with the girl  because she also had a secret so she could understand him, give support and be really nice whit him, because she knew how it feels.

They should have spent more time with the child, they did not know that the child  had a lot of purposes some of them was the ideas that the parents imagined, but when the boy finish all of them he had to go.
They should not have allowed that the child was very sensitive, I think that they should helped to face the problems that are caused by the society, or at least try to defend.

They should have done and should not have done a lot of things, but they are parent like a lot of parents, I think that if we have a child we are going to do a lot of mistakes, because we do not have like a book or something like that that help you to be father o mother, we have to learn with our child.
We have to try to be the best, try to spend time whit our child , give support every day and be the best with our family.
It is a relly good film, I liked it so much a film called "a movie that has to be seen with the family", maybe yes..
Paola Pavón :D


The Odd Life of Timothy Green is a fantasy or modern-day fairy tale, but unlike most fairy tales this one is told from the perspective of the grown-ups rather than the child. It’s a story about learning how to parent, how to accept the mistakes that are inevitably made, and how to love without possessing.
I choose 2 characters because they are like one. Fathers, what they should or should not have done.
It all begins when Cindy and Jim Green trying to have children. They can not have children. They imagine everyday a family, children in the house.One day they begin to imagine a child with many special features maybe a perfect boy. They grew all their ideas, literally!
I think that they should have spoken whit the boy before the family present, because the boy was really impressed, he did not know anyone despite being his own family, and a lot of them can not accept him.
They should not have allowed the family to criticize or speak ill of him, they had to defend it, and not let anyone make fun of the child.
They should have understood the boy, because  lot of things that they child did they coul not understand, maybe speak more with the child, and spend more time with him.
They should not have tried to separate the child with the girl  because she also had a secret so she could understand him, give support and be really nice whit him, because she knew how it feels.

They should have spent more time with the child, they did not know that the child  had a lot of purposes some of them was the ideas that the parents imagined, but when the boy finish all of them he had to go.
They should not have allowed that the child was very sensitive, I think that they should helped to face the problems that are caused by the society, or at least try to defend.

They should have done and should not have done a lot of things, but they are parent like a lot of parents, I think that if we have a child we are going to do a lot of mistakes, because we do not have like a book or something like that that help you to be father o mother, we have to learn with our child.
We have to try to be the best, try to spend time whit our child , give support every day and be the best with our family.
It is a relly good film, I liked it so much a film called "a movie that has to be seen with the family"? Yes!!!